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Praise of the fugue.

Born in a family of writers, in order to escape the supremacy of verbal language, Julien Stiegler first elaborated its writing technic of time and space, with the precision of animation movies (storyboards and barsheets), with projects inspired by anthropology and animism.

Then, while coaching the crew, due to its versatility, in a special effects industry, which became very graded and distant from any poetry, he avoided a burn-out thanks to its singing and acting practice. He restarted then the writing of poems, stories, musical and theatrical adaptation of its texts, and finally, developped an hybrid form of cinema-theatre, mixing the precision of drawing animation movies writing technics to the living arts, on stage.

Willing to express a kind of conciliation of imaginations in the musical domain, he has chosen the fugue as a musical form, to intersect a diversity of melodic lines and characters. He also elaborated, in the theatrical domain, a space for sharing imaginations, by creating, thanks to the support of stage art service from the Hainaut Province, « The epic of contradictory dreaming », a form of writing, and stage creation linking heterogeneous dreaming bubbles in an epic narration.

Julien Stiegler transmits his space and time writing practice to the students in the fields of image, sound, cinema and theatre, with the support of animation movie precision, based on the anthropoly of images and history of writings, to help them to step back, in our age of mediatic conditioning.

He has returned to the animation filmmaking with artisanal technics (drawing and painting), and musical writing, to meet its needs for telling stories in an dreamlike universe, while waiting to bring those creations back to life on stage.

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